Host Home

We believe there is nothing more powerful than the family unit. That’s why we put a great deal of emphasis on our host home program. We’re simply the best in the industry at finding the right fit for each one of our clients. Our host home providers are indispensable partners in our mission of providing new beginnings for each client.

They are diverse, committed and loving families who are eager to open up their homes and offer our clients a second family. In most cases, these families and individuals bond so well that neither side could imagine living without one another.

In our traditional family model, an individual selects a pre-screened family where they become an adopted member of that family. They share a living space and essentially most elements of their lives with their new family.

Everyone works together to perform the roles of a traditional family that strengthens all its members. Individuals contribute their talents and abilities to their host family and in turn they receive love, support, mentorship, room and board, transportation—all the benefits of being a family member.

Some of our clients are more independent but circumstances may prevent them from living fully on their own. We have a solution. We find families with open mother-in-law or basement apartments within their homes. Our individuals move into these accommodating spaces, which gives them a place to call their very own.

Their host family is close by to provide mentorship, supervision and the support of a traditional family setting on an as-needed basis.

For other clients, a traditional family setting or living completely on their own is not an option. In this case, we can provide a roommate mentor. This arrangement offers more of a peer-to-peer relationship with a mentor buddy.

Mentors provide clients with life guidance, transportation needs, meal prep, access to activities, supervision, decreased/shared cost of living, and companionship.

Many clients in this environment have jobs, drive their own cars, and come and go as they please. It’s a great balance between companionship and support, while still providing independence.

With any of our home options, we offer the choice of urban or rural settings. Everyone is accommodated.

“Our clients have a voice in what they want their lives to look like. Our goal is to make sure their lives are fulfilling, rewarding and more fun than ever before.”

Bryce Pearson, Owner

Host Home Services we provide free of charge

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